Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Not My Fault

I try my best to be polite.

I know what's wrong and what is right.

But sometimes little parts of me

act up and bug my family.

My tongue sticks out.

My knuckles crunch.

My lips make smacking sounds at lunch.

My fingers poke and pinch and pick.

My feet jump out and trip or kick.

My mouth says words that aren't nice--

Today it spit... and tattled-- twice!

So don't blame me for what they did.

It's not my fault!

I'm just a kid!


Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz
I saw this poem and thought it was hilarious.....I don't completely agree with it's message, because I do think kids should be accountable for their actions, but it is a good reminder that kids will be kids!

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