Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Joshua 8:10

As we are reading along in Joshua we came to chapter 8, verse 10:

Early the next morning Joshua mustered his men.....

That was as far as we got and Alex exploded into laugher.

I knew imediatly what the picture in his head was.....Joshua spraying down his men with a giant bottle of mustard.....

Through my laughter I was able to explain to him what MUSTERED was and how it was spelled different than MUSTARD.

We all had a good laugh.  When the giggling finally calmed down, I started to read again, Alex's eyes met mine, and it was all over.  We both burst back in to laughter....tears running down our took a good five minutes before we could continue the lesson.


  1. Definitely an inherited trait....uncontrolled laughter

  2. It is one of the things that endears you to my heart!!! Nothing like watching you and your Dad LAUGH!
